Organismes membres

Aux Trois Mâts

Aux Trois Mâts est un organisme communautaire dont la mission est d'accompagner les personnes touchées par un problème d'alcoolisme et de toxicomanie dans leur démarche de réinsertion sociale.

Our Services

  • Aux Trois Mâts


    Person aged 15 and over living with a dependency problem and needing support in the process of social reintegration.

    Services & programs

    • Individual meetings with qualified social intervention workers to support people using the services in their various reintegration efforts. We also support relatives in their role of caregiver.
    • Daily group workshops adapted to the social reintegration needs of users.
    • A living environment to get out of isolation, create new bonds, live commitments with other people who want to end a problem of addiction to one or more substances. Aux Trois Mâts wishes to prevent these men and women from being left without support in drug-related settings and thus becoming less prone to relapse.
    • De la formation aux professionnels : l’organisme offre une formation à la réinsertion sociale en alcoolisme et toxicomanie au Bas-Saint-Laurent auprès des équipes d’intervention non-spécialisées en dépendance.

    Business Hours

    Monday to Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Admission Conditions

    • Living with a dependency problem and needing support in your social reintegration efforts
    • Be 15 years old and over
    • ResideIn the Bas-St-Laurent territory


    We meet a little over a hundred people a year.

    Contact information