Organismes membres

Centre Femmes aux 3 A de Québec

Founded in 1985, the Centre femmes aux 3 A de Québec is a living environment offering support for judicialized women.

In an objective of prevention of judicalization, our services are offered to women with profiles of multiples challenges. Also, specific programs are adressed to women in situation of residential insecurity.

The Centre femmes aux 3 A de Québec welcomes and helps women to find their autonomy back and to take back the control and organization of their life.

Our Services

  • Centre Femmes aux 3 A de Québec

    Our Approach

    The preferred approach aims to equip women to increase their autonomy and potential. The name "with the three A's" is representative of the path offered to women, which takes place in three stages: Welcome-Help-Autonomy (Accueil-Aide-Autonomie).

    The first step is to welcome the woman by making sure she has all the support necessary to meet her basic needs: shelter, food and clothing.

    The second phase of the path offered at the Center provides women with individual or group assistance by psychologists, workers trained in criminology, counseling and delinquency intervention, free of charge. She will be guided towards a better knowledge of herself and her abilities.

    Finally, the third step is to create a meaningful and lasting bond of belonging in women. We believe that this bond will allow him to gain personal value as well as confidence in his abilities in order to reorganize his life. She can get involved in working committees or volunteer activities if she wishes in order to develop her autonomy.

    The Process

    Women interested in getting involved in a process at the Centre aux 3 A should first call for an appointment. They will be received during a meeting that will allow them to express and prioritize their needs as well as to clarify their situation.

    In a personalized and professional manner, we choose with them, as they go along, the activities and programs conducive to their advancement.

    Areas of intervention

    • Welcome and support
    • To accompany
    • Promote and raise awareness of the cause, acquire and disseminate expertise

    1 - Accueil (Welcome)

    • Creative cooking
    • Clothes counter
    • Home storage and moving service
    • Information and referral.

    2 - Aide (Help)

    Individual services
    • Psychological follow-ups ordered by the Court
    • Psychosocial follow-ups
    • Support meetings
    • Phone surveillance
    • Visits during incarceration
    • Accompaniment to court or parole
    • References to partner organizations (drug addiction, health, etc.)
    Group services

    Various therapeutic and / or personal growth workshops are offered. These workshops explore different issues experienced by women, including:

    • Tourne la Page: Closed support group for women who have experienced sexual abuse in the past
    • Joue Pas: STBBI education and prevention program
    • Vivre en paix: Closed Group on Violence Prevention and Anger Management
    • Perce Neige: Closed group on the development of skills in emotional relationships

    *Closed groups of 8 to 10 meetings for 8 women

    3 - Autonomie (Autonomy)

    • Community work
    • Compensatory work
    • Creative community garden
    • Social activities, outings, Christmas partyVarious working committees with users

    Conditions of admission

    Needs assessment meeting prior to all services.

    Contact information