Maison Cross Roads is a non-profit community organization that offers social and community reintegration programs and services to men in the criminal justice system.
Foster the autonomy and empowerment of people in the criminal justice system so that they can adopt behaviors that contribute to their socio-community reintegration.
Offer services and programs approved by the board of directors that promote the prevention of recidivism by those who have been convicted.
Promote and, where possible, put in place programs and services that can help improve community correctional practices
Raise awareness in the community about the realities and issues facing people in the criminal justice system and the justice system.
Identify the demographic and ethnic social needs of people in the criminal justice system and develop appropriate programs.
Incorporated in 1986, the Maison St-Léonard CRC supports the community release process for inmates released from federal penitentiaries. CRC staff offer a humanistic and personalized approach. Services are offered in French and English, which gives a unique character to this community resource.
The CRC serves a clientele whose language of use is 40% French-speaking to 60% English-speaking. He has acquired a good expertise in the needs of multi-ethnic customers and is one of the few resources that can also receive customers with mobility problems (access ramp, elevator and adapted premises). The CRC also welcomes people on unattended temporary absence (PSSS).
It should be noted that the Maison Cross Roads Corporation offers a range of services that consolidate the work of the clinical team at CRC Maison St-Léonard (we are thinking here of the Oxygen Service and its Satellite Apartments).
CRC Maison St-Léonard offers direct surveillance services and welcomes clients on statutory release under house arrest (LOAR). The CRC offers specialized supervision to this clientele.
Male inmates released from federal penitentiaries
25 private rooms and 3 semi-private rooms
To apply for admission to CRC Maison St-Léonard, you must notify your case management team, who will be responsible for making a community assessment request at our community residential center.
You can also contact us directly at (514) 932-7188, where we are available to answer your questions. The clinical director can also, depending on demand, make visits to the establishment in order to meet with potential candidates.
5262, W Notre-Dame Street
Montréal (QC) H4C 1T5
Intervene with the Correctional Service of Canada and the community in order to offer the targeted clientele services adapted to their needs for the best possible quality of life.
Foster the potential for individual autonomy by allowing them to take up new challenges likely to lead to successful reintegration into the community.
Encourage the empowerment and commitment of people to respect the values and norms of the society in which they live.
Create and maintain collaborations with other stakeholders in community networks (halfway houses, organizations for the elderly, volunteers, etc.) and correctional (detention facilities, sector offices, CCCs, etc.) in order to support reintegration procedures social clientele.
The resource persons of the Oxygen Service meet inmates and released prisoners grappling with one or another of these difficulties and intervene with them and on their behalf with the Canadian community and correctional networks.
Having an excellent knowledge of these networks, the resource persons suggest alternatives to prolonged imprisonment or disorganization, in particular for those who already live in the community.
Service Oxygène encourages elderly prisoners and ex-prisoners (50 years and over) to actively participate in their reintegration into the community by directing them to the services and programs available in the community.
The Oxygen Service maintains relationships of mutual aid and collaboration with case management officers (institutions and community) while staying informed of the policies and directives of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) and the National Parole Board. of Canada (NPB).
The Oxygen Service helps each individual to prepare for the next stage of his life: cascading, liberation, autonomy in community, relocation to another resource, etc.
Support for residential placement is at the heart of the Oxygen Service's concerns. Referrals for placements are made in the CRC / CCC or in all other residences (residences for the elderly, foster homes, etc.) that can accommodate the target clientele.
Support for maintaining a community is facilitated by the help given to finding accommodation and finding other services that allow people to meet their basic needs.
Referral to specialized resources for the elderly is supported. We are thinking, among other things, of situations requiring that an elderly person who has been in court be referred to a long-term care center (CHSLD).
The sensitization of the public and of the correctional network to the problems of gerontological type which are confronted by the elderly delinquents and the whole society.
Elderly offenders (50 years and over) serving life or long sentences or incarcerated at an advanced age.
2 intervention staff are assigned to this task
The Oxygen Service serves sector offices and penitentiaries in the greater Montreal area
5262, W Notre-Dame Street
Montréal (QC) H4C 1T5
The Oxygen Service Satellite Apartments - Résidence Leo's Boys and Maison Jacqueline Verrette - are rooming house type accommodation resources.
Cohabitation with other elderly people who have been in the courts who share a common history and past is reassuring for the new resident; he can thus adapt gradually and safely to his new social environment without suddenly losing all of his old landmarks.
The Oxygen Service coordinator is responsible for the general operation of the satellite apartments for elderly people with legal aid, while a facilitator sees to their daily operation. The coordinator and facilitator ensure that the Oxygene Satellite Apartments are living environments in which to live by promoting the empowerment of residents.
People aged 50 and over who have lived for several years in prison
The Residence Leo's boys cannot accommodate people with issues of sexual delinquence
5262, W Notre-Dame Street
Montréal (QC) H4C 1T5
A plethora of pertinent information on Quebec’s correctional and justice systems, and criminality.
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