Organismes membres

Joliette-Lanaudière CRC

The CRC is a community organization supporting the social reintegration of adult offenders by leading them to become autonomous and responsible citizens, while involving the community in the social reintegration process.

Our programs and services

  • Accommodation and internal programs


    The CRC approach aims to hold the offender accountable for the choices he or she has made and to encourage appropriate alternative behaviours. We believe that our intervention must focus on both the offender and the environment, as they are interrelated, hence the importance of establishing contacts with the client's significant resources and with community organizations that can help him/her in his/her management.

    Included services

    • Accommodation: Bed and Breakfast;
    • Internal programs (outreach):
    1. Change and Communication (mandatory 5 workshop program);
    2. Theme evenings: every two weeks, Tuesday evenings;
    3. Emotional Management;
    4. Emotions and Violence (12 workshops with themes);
    5. Conduct-Life;
    6. Drug awareness (program adapted for drug dealers, producers and sellers).
    • Job search assistance through OPEX;
    • Assistance with compensatory work;
    • Accompaniment and supervision;
    • Individual and group follow-up;
    • Referral to our community partners.

    Federal clients: statutory release with house arrest, day parole with special conditions.


    Mixed (Provincial and Federal) - Men

    Admission requirements

    The person must be on a correctional measure with follow-up. A CRC worker reviews the application and determines its admissibility. If necessary, the CRC worker will meet with the applicant to conduct an evaluation. This assessment will focus on the candidate's motivation, expectations and needs. The counsellor will then take the opportunity to inform the applicant about the program, the services offered, the rules and regulations and the basic functioning of the residence. The decision will be communicated to the candidate within ten days following the meeting.

    Exclusion criteria

    • Individuals in a state of psychiatric disorganization
    • Individuals in need of closed withdrawal treatment for over one month
    • Individuals considered as repeat pedophiles
    • Individuals who are known members of an organized crime organization
    • Individuals using a wheelchair


    20 places (Federal: 6/Provincial: 14)

    Contact information