Native Para-Judicial Services of Quebec (NPJSQ) is a non-political, not-for-profit organization. It was created following negotiations between Quebec First Nations and the Quebec Department of Justice. Native Para-Judicial Services of Quebec assists native people in matters relating to the criminal justice system. It is wholly committed to developing alternatives to the euro-Canadian justice system in order to better meet the needs of native communities in the province of Quebec.
The Native Courtworkers program offers legal assistance to Native persons involved in the criminal and penal justice system as victims, witnesses or accused. This service is available to persons in adult court and in juvenile court.
Native Courtworkers provide counselling and assistance to clients to ensure their just and fair treatment in a judicial process unfamiliar with the ways and customs of Native people.
Native Courtworkers meet with, advise and assist any Native person charged with an offence under federal or provincial law, or under municipal or band bylaws.
Native Courtworkers are also empowered to help the communities they serve develop and establish alternatives to the currentjustice system which better meet community members’ needs and aspirations.
This program is financed according to a federal-provincial agreement. The Department of Justice Canada reimburses half of the program costs to the Quebec Government.
The Department of Justice Canada reimburses half of the program costs to the Quebec Government.
With respect of the Court’s decisions and/or the Court’s actions, further the security of the community, make the offender aware of his responsibilities and also aboutsocial rehabilitation;
The Community Reinsertion Officers in a personalized manner, meet with the Native people
referred to the required frequency by the needsfor help and assistance related to the reinsertion into society of each one and by their correctional intervention plan;
The Community Reinsertion Officers support the Native people referred in his path and ensure the respect of the Court’s decisions and of the correctional measures established on the plan of the correctional intervention;
The Community Reinsertion Officers check the realization of activities and attainment of the objectives of social reinsertion of the Native referred according to the correctional intervention plan, the probation order, the conditional sentence order or the recommendations established in the course of follow-up;
The Community Reinsertion Officers have to be accountable to the Probation Agent of the path of the Native referred and determine, in consultation with him, the need to increase, to decrease the control measures or to put an end to the follow-up period while considering a better social reinsertion and better protection for the society;
The Community Reinsertion Officers if needed refer the Natives in follow-up towards the appropriate resources and consult with the communityparticipants in order to respond appropriately to their needs.
Since the Native Para-Judicial Services of Quebec is an organization involved in the administration of justice within Aboriginal communities, it also helps the interested communities to develop community initiatives to increase community involvement in peacekeeping and harmony. To improve judicial services within Aboriginal communities and to meet the needs of the members of the communities we can help develop:
•Public security Committees;
•Justice Committees;
•Sentencing Management Circles;
•Healing Circles;
•Justice model adapted to Aboriginal communities;
•Restorative justice;
•Alternative to imprisonment;
Any other alternative to the current judicial system depending on the interest of the Members of the communities.
•Diversify the offer of services for Aboriginal people in detention establishment (DE) using a culturally appropriate approach that can increase efficiency;
•Promote collaborative action with Aboriginal communities and include their participation in the process of reintegration of those serving a sentence;
•Promote the positive social reintegration of Aboriginal people upon their release and the continuation of the rehabilitation or healing process initiated in DE;
•Contribute to increase the number of applications for Permission to leave parole preparatory and to reduce the rate of hearing waivers before the Quebec Parole Board (QPB);
•Participate in reducing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in custody.
A plethora of pertinent information on Quebec’s correctional and justice systems, and criminality.
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