Promoting values of justice, respect and security, the mission of the Services d'aide en prévention de la criminalité (SAPC) is to prevent crime in its environment through primary prevention (targeting the general population), secondary prevention (targeting people at risk of committing criminal or delinquent acts) and tertiary prevention (targeting people likely to re-offend) prevention activities.
Through its numerous services and the supervision provided by its volunteers and qualified personnel, SAPC promotes the social reintegration of any individual who has difficulty adapting to society, whether they are offenders, disadvantaged people, people with fragile mental health, drug addicts, homeless people or people at high risk of homelessness, or any other type of person requiring emergency assistance and support.
The SAPC therefore plays an essential role in the rehabilitation of individuals in difficulty. Its social and community contribution contributes to the fight against poverty and exclusion, which undeniably tends to significantly reduce crime.
Founded in 1988, the Centre L'Étape is a CRC that offers social reintegration services to adult male offenders with alcohol or drug addiction problems.
L'Étape's program consists of two main phases, the first of which refers to the specialized drug addiction program. It begins with a minimum of three closed weeks where residents focus on program activities (thematic workshops, individual meetings with their CRC counsellor, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, etc.) During this period, no contact with the outside world is allowed. This immersive phase is aimed at introspection and in-depth work on the resident's self. Then, still in the specialized drug addiction program, follows a period of 3 other weeks which are semi-closed. The resident continues with the program activities as previously mentioned, but may resume contact with their outside network.
The second phase of the program offered at CRC L'Étape aims at the social reintegration of the resident in the community. Thus, the resident is supported in his or her occupational (work, study, volunteer work, etc.), family, health, financial, legal, etc. Throughout the resident's stay, he/she must be involved in the Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous movement.
Adult males released from a provincial detention center or federal facility with an alcohol or drug dependency problem.
15 places (14 under federal jurisdiction, 1 under provincial jurisdiction)
An assessment of the application by the representation team. The assessment is a prerequisite to the acceptance of the candidate to the CRC.
CRC L'Étape is accredited and contracted for services by the Correctional Service of Canada, as well as accredited and contracted for services by the Correctional Services Branch.
The CSC candidate is referred by a CLO following a community assessment. Here is the contact information for the CSC office in the Eastern Townships: 819-564-4235.
Candidates under provincial jurisdiction are referred by a CSO of a detention facility, a probation officer, a community worker or the CQLC.
To reach the Advocacy/Assessment Department
Telephone: 819 564-5043, toll free 1 877 722-0706
615 du Cégep Street
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1E 2K1
Located in the heart of downtown Sherbrooke and founded in 1978, the Centre La Traverse is a CRC offering social reintegration services to adult male offenders.
The resource offers individualized supervision to each resident in order to help them positively actualize their social reintegration. It is through group workshops and individual meetings that the workers support the residents in the accomplishment of their intervention plan. Breaking with the dynamics of delinquency and supporting social reintegration by helping the person develop an occupational project that meets his or her needs, promoting and facilitating positive social ties, and supporting sound financial management are some of the objectives pursued. The interveners are also empowered to refer and accompany the persons in the different services offered by the community
Adult male offenders who have been released from a provincial detention center or a federal institution and who wish to obtain assistance in updating their social reintegration.
25 places (11.5 under provincial jurisdiction, 14 under federal jurisdiction)
An assessment of the application by the representation team. The assessment is a prerequisite to the acceptance of the candidate to the CRC.
CRC L'Étape is accredited and contracted for services by the Correctional Service of Canada, as well as accredited and contracted for services by the Correctional Services Branch.
The CSC candidate is referred by a CLO following a community assessment. Here is the contact information for the CSC office in the Eastern Townships: 819-564-4235.
Candidates under provincial jurisdiction are referred by a CSO of a detention facility, a probation officer, a community worker or the CQLC.
To reach the Advocacy/Assessment Department
Telephone: 819 564-5043, toll free 1 877 722-0706
433, rue Marquette, Sherbrooke, Qc, J1H 1M5
Located in Sherbrooke and founded in 2014, L'ÉtincELLE is a supervised apartment for women in conflict with the law.
L'ÉtincELLE is a living environment that offers women a break from the criminal justice system so that they can take care of themselves with a view to reintegrating into the community with the necessary supervision and support from a team of professionals.
Adult women offenders who have been released from a provincial detention center or a federal institution and who wish to obtain assistance in updating their social reintegration.
4 places (minimum of 2 places reserved for women under provincial jurisdiction, minimum of 1 place reserved for women under federal jurisdiction)
An assessment of the application by the representation team. The assessment is a prerequisite to the acceptance of the candidate of ÉteincELLE
L'ÉtincELLE is accredited and contracted for services by the Correctional Service of Canada, as well as accredited and contracted for services by the Correctional Services Branch.
The CSC candidate is referred by a CLO following a community assessment. Here is the contact information for the CSC office in the Eastern Townships: 819-564-4235.
The candidate under provincial jurisdiction is referred by a CSO of a detention facility, a probation officer, a community worker or the CQLC.
To reach the Advocacy/Assessment Department
Telephone: 819 564-5043, toll free 1-877-722-0706
Advocacy Officer, ext. 520 and 522
Director of the Representation/Evaluation Department, ext. 564
Fax: 819 780-0633
Located in Sherbrooke and founded in 2006, the SAPC community follow-up program is a partner of the Quebec Correctional Services in the follow-up of offenders in the community.
The mandate of the community follow-up workers is to accompany the persons referred to them in the application of their correctional intervention plan, to provide them with support, advice and accompaniment so that they can positively actualize their social reintegration. On the other hand, they are responsible for ensuring that the legal conditions of the clients are respected and for denouncing the different breaches to the designated authorities.
Adult court-ordered men and women with a provincial supervision order.
349 clients
1480, rue Dunant, Sherbrooke, #1, Qc, J1H 3Z9
Founded in 1983, SAPC's Compensatory Work Program offers adult citizens who are unable to pay a fine the opportunity to repay the fine by performing compensatory work for a non-profit community organization.
Any adult who has a fine and is unable to pay it back.
The person must be referred by a municipal court or by the Quebec fine collector.
615, rue du Cégep, Sherbrooke, Qc, J1E 2K1
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